Bitterness, not just the disposition of our brewers, it’s a legit family of compounds necessary to classify a beer as a beer. The compounds in question are alpha-acids, they come from hops and you need a minimum of 4 of the little blights, to legally be a beer (so they are pretty important).
The goal is to get them hot enough so they undergo a chemical reaction to make iso-alpha-acids. Enough of the science speak - it makes them soluble so they can get in your beer and then in your facehole.
To measure bitterness we use the international bitterness scale, (no, not ib-me after a big game day shift) but IBU!
For those playing along at home; our favourite Two To The Valley has a measure of 55 IBUs even though it doesn’t show it .
“How does Tooters balance this bitterness so well” I hear you ask with a foam moustache? With malt complexity and alcohol (que another Thirsty Thursday) - it’s all about balance baby!
10 years ago (when Tooters was 70 IBUs and mullets were not cool) we were all chasing bitterness with whopping beers like Mikeller’s 1000 IBU. These days the trend is leaning towards less and less bitterness, but unlike the mullet, we truly believe beers like Two To The valley will always have a place at the table.
So get it! Right now. In your face holes. It’s a big middle finger to conformity. 🖕🏾🍻